FORMULA 2 |HOUSE AND ENDING CALCULATION by Teer Media Shillong Teer Formula.

Shillong Teer Formula two

We have different Shillong teer Formula Pattern that helps everyone to predict Meghalaya Archery Sports Target. Formula 2 is one of the best House ending formulas which proven several times by giving Shillong Teer House Ending and Common number targets. To calculate this formula, we need the previous results first round and second round then […]


Shillong Teer Formula 8

How Shillong Teer Formula and gassing number can be important for daily Teer Target? However, it is worth noting that the Shillong Teer formula and gassing number are both methods used to predict the outcome of a Shillong Archery game, and there is no guaranteed way to predict the winning numbers perfectly. The Shillong Teer […]

FORMULA 6|Shillong Teer Formula pattern 6 House Ending and Common Number Target.

Shillong Teer Formula 6

For House Ending calculation for Meghalaya Teer we need the previous results first round and the second round for this following pattern we also need the date. AJJ KA MAKING NUMBER CLICK KARO FORMULA-6 Date:04-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR34-75-04-34-75712547712837914831060521166573721209332265819Result FR-34 SR-75 Date:03-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR44-16-03-44-16857637857323905325529585071433785765323855303Result FR-XX SR-XX Date:02-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR70-75-02-70-75772529772497716493648703902573927201992081897Result FR-44 SR-16 Date:30-11-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR37-57-30-37-57022033022242363246659956214841352258747511628Result FR-70 SR-75 Date:29-11-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR96-44-29-96-44508618508584793583216283537801805818539382101Result FR-37 SR-57 Date:28-11-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR53-42-28-53-42876403876530431538347468171104882146035638910Result FR-96 SR-44 Date:27-11-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR63-92-27-63-92921493921135322134885434263977892647180898774Result: – FR-53 […]

FORMULA 5|Shillong Teer House Ending Target| Shillong Teer Calculation|

Shillong Teer formula 5

Shillong Teer Formula 5 is one of the best pattern calculations that help us to analyze and predict the target number of Khasi Hills Sports house ending Target. We need the previous second-round result next first-round result then the year and date After that we again need FR and SR Finally the pattern format is […]

FORMULA 1|HOUSE AND ENDING CALCULATIN For Shillong Teer by Teer Media Formula one

Shillong teer formula one

Shillong Teer Formula 1 Shillong Teer: Shillong Teer House Ending Calculation Formula is updated daily. We calculate Teer common number, house, ending, and hit number. Shillong Teer formula is a very unique formula none of the formulae is running for a long time. TEER MEDIA FORMULA (1) Here we use the result of the previous […]

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