Teer Target Number:
As many of you know, Pattern is the most power full tools to solve any logical problem not only in Khasi Hills Archery Sports or TEER it is also important in our day-to-day life. In this Game we need to find house, ending and making number to find out best Shillong Teer Target Number. We need mathematical trick and some pattern-based Formula to give us some target. After a long Analysis of Teer Target, we observe every Formula carries different target basically last three digit and sometimes last one digit of every pattern gives some ides to reach our goal Teer Target. To make you more clear about “Teer Target Number” we need to understand every Formula that is listed bellow please go step by step to understand why Formula or Pattern is important for Meghalaya Teer Target.
Teer Media: Shillong Teer Media Provides Teer Result of Meghalaya, Jowai, and Khanapara Teer. We also prepare Common Number of Shillong Teer

Teer Result Online:
FR (4:15 PM) | SR (5:15 PM) |
68 | 93 |
Teer Media Publish daily Shillong Teer Result along with Khana Para Teer(Assam Teer) and Jawai Teer Result. Teer Media also updates the teer target number and Formula 2 and Formula 5 for only house targets we also have Shillong Teer Ending Formula that is being updated regularly after 5:30 pm. Here you can find the media formula 3 and formula 1 for Ending Target.
FR(3:50) | SR(4:40) |
X | X |
Date | FR | SR |
06-02-2025 | 68 | 93 |
05-02-2025 | 37 | 79 |
04-02-2025 | 35 | 29 |
03-02-2025 | 28 | 70 |
01-02-2025 | 37 | 60 |
30-01-2025 | 51 | 62 |
29-01-2025 | 03 | 44 |
28-01-2025 | 21 | 47 |
27-01-2025 | 93 | 84 |
25-01-2025 | 36 | 07 |
24-01-2025 | 80 | 13 |
23-01-2025 | 59 | 50 |
22-01-2025 | 66 | 19 |
20-01-2025 | 35 | 59 |
18-01-2025 | 07 | 02 |
15-01-2025 | 27 | 09 |
14-01-2025 | 52 | 97 |
13-01-2025 | 30 | 27 |
11-01-2025 | 76 | 86 |
10-01-2025 | 63 | 35 |
09-01-2025 | 29 | 05 |
08-01-2025 | 61 | 88 |
07-01-2025 | 52 | 93 |
06-01-2025 | 68 | 27 |
04-01-2025 | 89 | 15 |
03-01-2025 | 12 | 96 |
02-01-2025 | 64 | 92 |
31-12-2024 | 12 | 88 |
28-12-2024 | 41 | 10 |
27-12-2024 | 53 | 02 |
26-12-2024 | 35 | 28 |
24-12-2024 | 80 | 02 |
23-12-2024 | 87 | 45 |
21-12-2024 | 38 | 05 |
20-12-2024 | 56 | 51 |
19-12-2024 | 63 | 52 |
18-12-2024 | 34 | 37 |
17-12-2024 | 60 | 95 |
16-12-2024 | 61 | 04 |
14-12-2024 | 36 | 04 |
13-12-2024 | 93 | 37 |
12-12-2024 | 75 | 58 |
11-12-2024 | 31 | 76 |
10-12-2024 | 55 | 37 |
09-12-2024 | 12 | 30 |
07-12-2024 | 78 | 27 |
06-12-2024 | 95 | 41 |
05-12-2024 | 75 | 45 |
04-12-2024 | 38 | 70 |
03-12-2024 | 34 | 74 |

Shillong Teer Formula: Find your Best Target from This Formula Table.
Shillong Teer result and Common Number: Khasi Hills Archery Sports Authority organized daily Teer games for the first round and the second round at Indian stranded time 3:45 pm (FR) and 4:45 (SR). We also update the same result on our website on a daily basis. To get updated with daily Shillong Teer Results and Assam Teer results visit www.teermedia.com we also update Shillong Teer making number and Khanapara teer common number for the first round and second round.
We have Assam Teer Formula-1:
Hare we update Formula 1 for Khanapara Teer this formula or Teer Calculation may help you to get House and Ending Target for the First round and Second round Teer.
Assam Teer Previous Result: We need the previous results to calculate the Target number and also the House Ending Calculation. The Viewers of Teer Media can easily exceed Khanapara Teer’s previous results so we Recorded daily Teer Results on our Previous result page. Click The Button below to get KHANAPARA PREVIOUS RESULT
Shillong Teer Smart Table:
We updated Teer Media Smart Table It has 4 code numbers from this code you can find one digit that may help you to find the house ending number Also it may be used for making numbers. SMART TABLE START UPDATING
Teer Target Formula:
We have formula 1 and formula 2 for the target house and ending both rounds first and second rounds. In this pattern calculation, we have used Shillong’s previous day result date and year, this is one of the best formulae of Meghalaya Archery Sports Target you can easily analyze daily teer target just by viewing this calculation. Shillong Teer’s game mostly depends on dream and pattern calculation and calculation fully depends upon the previous day’s result.
আমরা ডেইলি ফর্মুলা 1 ফর্মুলা 2 আপডেট করে থাকি আপনি যদি ফর্মুলা 1 এবং ফর্মুলার 2 এনালাইসিস করে হাউস এন্ডিং নিজে থেকে বের করতে চান তাহলে ফর্মুলা ক্লিক করুন|
We update daily Formula 1 and Formula 2 If you want to find out the house endings yourself by analyzing Formula One and Formula 2, Check out below.
Shillong Teer Result
Shillong Teer Common Number:
We create Teer common numbers for daily Shillong Teer targets these numbers include hit numbers and normal categories. So here we need to understand more about Hit numbers there are different types of common numbers that are making a daily basis, for example, some numbers are very targeted here house and the ending is selective, and some numbers are low targeted means less important, but we take this common number for a backup target. V
নিচের ফর্মুলা গুলোতে হাউজ এবং এন্ডিং স্পষ্ট করে দেখানো হয়েছে যদি আপনি ফর্মুলা দেখতে চান তাহলে ফর্মুলা 3 এবং ফর্মুলা 4 বাটনটিতে ক্লিক করে নিজে এনালাইসিস করতে পারেন|
Common Number 3
Shillong teer common number:
Today 8th February we have published 42 Shillong teer common numbers for both the round and finally we got success in second round FR-61 so we would like say congratulation for second round success.
Khanapara Teer Common Number

Meghalaya Teer Calculation:
Daily we do Meghalaya Teer making number calculation we also update common number table according to house and ending wise. Shillong teer calculation fully based on dream number and previous result.We do well research to get best Teer Target number.
Today Shillong Teer FR Result Came 70 and Sr result is 13 and we have success from making number 1 table so you can have same number of target number daily from following Chart table and Same Shillong Teer Formula.

Disclaimer: Welcome to our website www.teermedia.com(Teer Media Group).We provides information About Shillong Teer Archery Sports it is also Known as the betting game known as Teer. In some area or state of country this game may be illegal in certain jurisdictions and we teer media community or website does not encourage the participation in such high-risk activities. visitors consuming our information that we provided on the website is intended solely for informational and educational purposes only and it should not be relied upon as legal advice. Use of the website is limited to individuals located within the state of Meghalaya, India. If you are accessing the website from outside of Meghalaya, please exit immediately. We and our website do not have any legal responsibility for any inaccuracies or consequences arising from the use of the information provided we collect information from official website of Shillong Archery Sports YouTube Channel and Websites. |