FORMULA 2 |HOUSE AND ENDING CALCULATION by Teer Media Shillong Teer Formula.
We have different Shillong teer Formula Pattern that helps everyone to predict Meghalaya Archery Sports Target. Formula 2 is one of the best House ending formulas which proven several times by giving Shillong Teer House Ending and Common number targets. To calculate this formula, we need the previous results first round and second round then […]
How Shillong Teer Formula and gassing number can be important for daily Teer Target? However, it is worth noting that the Shillong Teer formula and gassing number are both methods used to predict the outcome of a Shillong Archery game, and there is no guaranteed way to predict the winning numbers perfectly. The Shillong Teer […]
FORMULA 7|MEGHALAYA ARCHERY (TEER)Target Formula| Shillong Teer Formula 7 for House and Ending Target
Shillong Teer Formula 7: We have added a new pattern of the Shillong Teer house and Ending formula that may help you to calculate a minimum number of houses and ending targets. Here we have observed that the last digit of this pattern provides the Ending Target and the last 2 digit gives us the […]
FORMULA 6|Shillong Teer Formula pattern 6 House Ending and Common Number Target.
For House Ending calculation for Meghalaya Teer we need the previous results first round and the second round for this following pattern we also need the date. AJJ KA MAKING NUMBER CLICK KARO FORMULA-6 Date:23-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR38-05-23-38-05185756185932217932543862797148668522437670370Result FR-XX SR-XX Date:20-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR63-52-20-63-52987426987751685752674322831754148295201721932Result FR-XX SR-XX Date:19-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR34-37-19-34-37770802770478829471560131616144777584423865415Result FR-63 SR-52 Date:18-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR60-95-18-60-95694694694530530538358358183183914910530583314Result FR-34 SR-37 Date:17-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR61-04-17-61-04714583714859310853424183766591321405354889673Result FR-60 SR-95 Date:16-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR36-04-16-36-04964579964509268505918435409278491953004304347Result FR-61 SR-04 Date:14-12-2024FR-SR-DATE-FR-SR93-37-14-93-37260853260868385864411334852467376030363399280Result FR-36 SR-04 […]
FORMULA 5|Shillong Teer House Ending Target| Shillong Teer Calculation|
Shillong Teer Formula 5 is one of the best pattern calculations that help us to analyze and predict the target number of Khasi Hills Sports house ending Target. We need the previous second-round result next first-round result then the year and date After that we again need FR and SR Finally the pattern format is […]
Shillong Teer House Ending calculation using previous results from the first round, second round, and date. This formula is very unique and effective. We have done the last 7 days of calculations using the same method and found houses and endings with a good number of results. Shillong Archery (Teer) is based on dream numbers […]
Night teer 2 result updated by shillong teer counter| Get teer result today daily @9:20pm. |Night Teer 2 |
Date:-21 Jan-2023 In this website, we have separated 4 tables of Shillong night Teer 2 results. The first round of the Shillong night Teer 2 result update at 8:15 pm, after one hour another round of Teer result comes in the same table. Shillong night Teer result list very helpfully for all the Teer lovers. […]
FORMULA 1|HOUSE AND ENDING CALCULATIN For Shillong Teer by Teer Media Formula one
Shillong Teer Formula 1 Shillong Teer: Shillong Teer House Ending Calculation Formula is updated daily. We calculate Teer common number, house, ending, and hit number. Shillong Teer formula is a very unique formula none of the formulae is running for a long time. TEER MEDIA FORMULA (1) Here we use the result of the previous […]